April 9, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): We are all aware of the wonders of technology. Modern inventions have made communicating over a distance not only possible, but easier and convenient. Concepts like tele-interviews, video-conferences, e-learning etc. have truly made our lives easier. But Sonu Niigaam takes it to another level altogether! India’s celebrated singer accomplished an exceptional feat recently when he recorded songs over Skype!

Sonu was in the US for a professional commitment. He was expected to complete his business and return to India for his pending assignments. However, the stay was extended for some reasons and clashed with his Bollywood projects. The singer was in a fix when technology came to his rescue. He had the songs sent to him through the Internet and worked on them on his laptop. “I would book a studio and then, with my mixers on laptops, I would record the songs over Skype. I recorded Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu and English songs,” says the versatile singer.

Skype is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet. Clearly the process went pretty smoothly as Sonu was able to record almost 45 songs in this fashion. This procedure was earlier used by US-based music professor Joseph Pisano, to get experts to instruct his students in classrooms. So does this indicate the advent of tele-music? It has worked so far but will it well-received and utilized commercially? We’re sure Sonu, for one will vouch for it!

- Sampurn Wire

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