March 19, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): In a surprise move, Colors and Endemol India have roped in Priyanka Chopra to host the special edition of Fear Factor. Chopra replaces Akshay Kumar, who had hosted the first two seasons. This special edition of Fear Factor will have 11 Indian and international cricketers as contestants. The likes of Adam Gilchrist, Harbhajan Singh, Yuvraj Singh and Brett Lee have reportedly signed for the show.
“Unlike Akshay who encouraged the girls on the show, I’m going to scare the cricketers. I want to see the masters of the field perform tough stunts in my show. They’ll have to compete with me as I’m someone who does her own stunts. Besides, I’ve participated in adventure sports,” said Chopra in a newspaper report.
Fear Factor special edition is slated to come post Indian Premier League.
-Sampurn Wire