August 26, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):The Mel Gibson-Oksana legal battle is becoming really confusing and the witnesses are constantly changing their statements. Recently, Oksana Grigorieva’s dentist talked on the camera and he chose to stick to his first statement saying that Oksana was struck in the mouth and the head. As we already know, Oksana first went to Dr. Ross Shelden, one day after the Gibson-Oksana blow up took place.

Upon initial examination Dr. Shelden signed a written declaration, which stated that Oksana was struck in the mouth as well as the temple. But after sometime he reported a story which conflicted with his initial statement. In the second statement, Dr. Shelden said that there was no evidence that Oksana was struck in the mouth. According to Dr. Shelden, Oksana was hit in the temple and that led her to bite down hard, which caused the two veneers to come out.

In the latest video interview Dr. Shelden initially refused to comment but after a bit of coaxing said that Oksana’s injuries might have been due to a blow to the mouth and the head. If Mel Gibson is charged with domestic violence against Oksana, Dr. Shelden’s conflicting stories might disqualify him as a credible witness.

-- Sampurn Wire

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