March 24, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):Imagine TV’s ‘Kashi’, a show which puts light on education system that prevails in downtrodden villages where a lower class girl is not allowed to take education along with higher class folks. To show the location as a proper village, the locations chosen are barren open places without shade for the actors.

Speaking about the situation, an actor wishing anonymity says, “Audience feels that the actors are working in very pleasant place like villages, were the climate is enjoyable with cool winds, surrounded with green mountains but the reality is far away from what they get to see onscreen. The actors are getting frustrated because of the heat and harsh sunlight in which they have to work for hours.”

“Due to the unbearable heat, the actors could not open their eyes and the dust particles are always ready to make an unwelcome entry in the eyes. To add to the discomfort sometimes the reflectors make our eyes water without glycerin. All this is not being seen on television is the biggest magic that happens (Laughs). Hope this summer goes away fast as the temperatures are increasing daily to its peak,” signs off the actor.

Hope this summer fades soon and puts the smile back on Kashi’s face!

-Tejashree Bhopatkar / Sampurn Wire

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