Country’s first beauty pageant for eunuchs titled ‘Indian Super Queen’ is already creating waves. And what has come as an Icing on the cake is the immense support of Bollywood bigges Salman Khan and Celina Jaitley. However, the latest news which surely would make every Indian Proud is- The President of India Pratibha Devisingh Patil has been appointed as a chairperson for the occasion.

Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, the Guru of Hijras and also the CEO of 12 Noon entertainment the organizer of the beauty pageant confirmed the news and said,” We along with V-care feel extremely proud to announce that – the honourable President Pratibha Patil will be the chairperson of our unique initiative.”

She goes on to add, “We are in talks with Congress President Sonia Gandhi and hope we would have the honour to have her presence as a chairperson as well on her show.”

Salman Khan, Celina Jaitley, Tarun Tahiliani would be the jury members who will choose the first ever eunuch beauty queen that is ‘Indian Beauty Queen’.

-Esha Razdan/

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