Accident on Hill Road: Audience becomes the casuality

Rating: 1.5 out of 5*

Starring: Celina Jaitley, Abhimanyu Singh and Farooque Shaikh

Director: Mahesh Nair

Sonam Chopra (Celina Jaitley) works as a nurse at an old age home. She is due to go to London for a job she has landed with the Red Cross Society. She has got a call for her visa interview after two days and life couldn’t be more exciting for her. But things for her go terribly wrong when after a binge drinking night party, she knocks down a man, Prakash Srivastav (Farooque Shaikh), while driving her car. Unfortunately, Prakash gets stuck in the windshield of her car with half of his body inside and half outside the car. Fearing that she’d never get her visa if the matter came to the knowledge of the police, she does all under her control to keep this accident a secret. Prakash languishes, badly injured and half-in-half-out, in her garage where she has parked the car. She calls her boyfriend, Sid (Abhimanyu Singh), to help her but he goes away after spending the night in bed with her instead. The next morning, she is shocked to learn that the accident victim is still alive. Prakash pleads with her to extricate his body and let him go and even promises not to complain against her to the police. When Sonam gets more frustrated, she even tries to kill him but Prakash still lives seriously injured. It is then when Sonam requests Sid to help her to eliminate Prakash so that she gets her visa. But destiny has something else in store for the all of three!

With the basic concept copied from the Hollywood film Stuck, Accident on Hill Road makes for a painful watch for the audience because of its childish screenplay and the unbelievable manner in which the film’s major characters behave. Imagine, a boyfriend instead of helping his girlfriend out of a situation which involves a possible dead body stuck in her wind shield, opting to make out with her all night and leaving without even caring to take a look at the car. Also, when the victim, Prakash pleads with her to let him go and allays her fears of a police complaint against her, Sonam doesn’t so much as think even once before turning down his plea and infact doesn’t mind risking a murder against her name rather than trying to solve the problem she has landed herself in. The attempt to create edge of the seat moments fall flat. Debutante director Mahesh Nair shows technical finesse but fails to hold together a thriller. However, his execution of the climax is superb. One hopes with a good script on hand he delivers a much better film next time.

Celina Jaitely gives it her all and delivers a good performance. Abhimanyu Singh is good but is saddled with a half baked role. But one really wonders what made a talented actor like Farooque Shaikh choose this film?

Accident on Hill Road is an absolute waste of your precious time, check it out on the DVD that too only if you are a big fan of Celina Jaitley who looks super hot throughout the film.

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