The first ever 2D Animated Kannada film is ready. It has been directed by Guruprasad (of Mata and Eddelu Manjunatha fame). The film, called Idhu Bombeyatavayya, has been made in Kannada but will be adapted in other languages as well. The film was made in Mysore. Along with friend Shankar Rao, Guruprasad has invested Rs. 1.10 crore on the two hours and ten minutes long film.

In the meantime, Guruprasad’s other film, Directors Special, was supposed to star Komal Kumar as the lead, however the actor backed out of the project. He is launching one more film, Jugalbandhi, a comedy starring Tabla Naani as the lead. Jaggesh and Tabla Naani were appreciated for their performances in Eddelu Manjunatha.


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