Not many are aware that Aamir Khan was completely down with fever on 23rd December, the day of the premiere show of his latest release, 3 Idiots, which was held at a suburban Mumbai, multiplex. It was only thanks to the antibiotics that he was on that he managed to make it to the show and stand for hours at the entrance to receive the guests before the show commenced, and at the exit to see them off after the show.

As we all know, Aamir had been on a two-week rapid tour of the country before the premiere show, visiting different cities, towns and villages in disguise, as part of the promotional campaign of his film. A source reveals, “It was this exertion that did him in. Besides, after returning to Mumbai just a day prior to the premiere, he partied till very late in the night.

Our source present at the premiere reveals, “When it was time for the show to get over in the four screens of the multiplex, Aamir, who had been relaxing in the lounge area of the multiplex after the film’s second half started, was once again on his feet, raring to go to the lobby to meet the guests.”

A trade expert present at the venue that time, states. “When Aamir’s wife Kiran Rao, got concerned whether he would be able to face the huge crowd in such a state, with a twinkle in his eye, Aamir smiled saying that isn’t that why we make films – to get mob­bed? And after saying that he immediately got surrounded literally by a sea of humanity, all congratulating him for his act in 3 Idiots.”

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