Paresh Rawal, the veteran actor of Bollywood film industry, mostly known for his comedy acting on the big screen has been a successful producer on the small screen. The latest offering from Paresh Rawal’s production house Play Time Creations is a daily soap 'Laagi Tujse Lagan' on Colors channel.

On the occasion of the launch Paresh Rawal said that the concept of the show was very close to his real life and that was the reason why he accepted the show. When asked to elaborate, Paresh says, "Years back, when I was approximately 13-14 years one of our relatives had a house maid at their place, named Manjula. Manjula or Manju as we called her was an unmarried, short,ugly, dark and un-welcomed at any ones place kind of a girl. But she would cook tasty food, and complete all the house hold work neatly. All friends or relatives visiting their place would appreciate her food but never welcomed her. She used to cry away her sorrows in a lonely corner of the house and would love to apply lipstick and other cosmetics to look better so that some one will marry her but all her efforts were wasted. At last, one day she ran away from the house and till date no one knows what happened to her."

"This incident flashed in my mind when I heard about the story for the serial which literally resembles with the story of Manjula. And I made up my mind to take up the show, as the incident is very realistic. Colors always demands a social issue and not any story which has no connection with our real life so it was all the more easier," adds the actor very emotionally.

It is very rare that we come to know that such a small, insignificant memory would become an inspiration for a daily soap, what say?

-Tejashree Bhopatkar /

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