‘3 idiots’ is fast becoming talk of the town and the buzz has been positive so far. With its funky music catching the fancy of audience, it won’t be far fetched to say that the over-the-top hoopla is courtesy to its lead star Aamir Khan who is going all out to promote the film- unofficially!

Apparently, Aamir Khan is touring India, disguised in various avatars to promote the film. But his promotional tour was cut short, as he was not allowed to get in the territory of Officers Training Academy in Chennai. Although, the reason of doing so, is best known to the Academy but there is quite a high possibility that he may be denied access due to security reason.

However, never the one to be put down, Aamir, took the disappointment in light vein and continued with his tour forgetting the Officers Training Academy incident as a minor speed bump!

-Anil A Kanojia/ BollyBhai.com

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